Love in the Fowl House*

Wow, a while since an update. I had really bad sinus trouble on my 24 hr break, and basically didn’t get out of bed for the whole day, that was back on Saturday. Friday afternoon the fowl house arrived, and today assembled it.
I haven’t done an LHT for a while, but I did manage to get to Tues and Weds martial arts classes, making progress there. With this ongoing sinus, I was wondering whether I may have the low carb flu, but I’ve been primal for months now. I was really tempted to have a big bowl of rice and potatoes with pasta just in case it was low carb flu. I was that sick of it.
I did have plans to make the paleo buffalo wings again on the 24 hr break but didn’t make it out of bed. By the time I was ready to face it after another two day shifts, the chicken still seemed ok, but had been in the fridge a good 3 days after the Best before date. Not wanting to take a chance with it, I fed it to the dog. They have different systems to us, and seem only too happy to eat days old road kill. He was in seventh heaven.
I did get Lamb’s fry (liver) and bacon & eggs for lunch on Tuesday, and today I had my usual at scoffer’s cafe – bacon, 2 eggs, chorizo, black pudding, tomato, and I leave the toast and most of the hash browns (old school style) on the plate. Yesterday lunch wasn’t so strict, but really the only slip was one bread roll with my quiche roast beef & salad.
After putting the fowl house together yesterday, today I schlepped around town getting some tucker & pine shavings for them, then went out to the free range egg place to pick up some chooks. They told me that they made their last sale of live chickens on Monday and won’t be selling any more until February. Typical.
Anyhow I have sourced 4 red shaver pullets from a little further afield, and all going well I should be able to collect them tomorrow morning. Yay. Mollie gets to name them. I wanted to just call all four ‘Doris’ but apparently that just will not do .


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