Archive | January, 2012

Keeping the faith

So yesterday at work was hectic as all get out, and to compound the issue I had trouble sleeping the night before. Food was 100% paleo and exercise schedule was for a rest day. Had a big conversation with my relief before leaving work and then had to go find gas, so it was around 8:45 pm by the time I got home and started on dinner. So a day of total rest, with not even the trifecta stretches.

Today I went through the day at work with a sense of relief that it was my second rest day, and I just needed to do the calf raises and the trifecta. I did the calf raises at work while I was waiting for my lunch to heat. Hit the level progression target too. When I got home and filled out my training log, I saw that yesterday was my second day of rest, and somehow I had missed a day.

I was feeling so dog tired even to the point of considering skipping my trifecta stretches when I got home. So naturally I did what is starting to become a habit.

I got changed out of my work clothes and I got to working out. Push ups & leg lifts today at level 2. I did 5 more reps per set on the warm up sets than I did last week, and hit the hit progression standard (which I hit last week as well) and then added 5 reps to the last set. I’ll repeat that next week to ensure I’ve mastered it and then it’s progress time. After dinner of grilled pork chop and veg I did the trifecta at level 3, they all need a bit of work, but level 2 has gotten too easy. Given that today was pushup and leg lift day, I skipped the planks, knee raises and wall pushups that I’ve been adding to the trifecta.Since I skipped all of that I made sure to get my 10 min meditation in.

Progress has been good. I still have a bit of belly, but the love handles are mostly gone now. I’m certainly finding it easier to move around at work and at martial arts classes.


Rest breaks

Changeover day today, and yesterday was the end of the workout week, so straight bridges and crow stands. That went well. I think I’m on track to level up to the next progressions by Feb 14. One thing I found out over at the dragon door forums that I had been curious about, but not seen in the book, is that my rest time between sets was probably too low.

I like the idea that this program is quick, and with the earlier progressions being relatively easy I didn’t want to get the ‘itis so my rest between sets was 30 secs to a min. turns out I should be looking at 3-5 mins.


Mid Jan update

Another work week finished. The workouts have been going pretty well, the food has been ok, and this week for two days in a row I saw a new low on the scale. Of course I went and ruined that on Friday night, and was back up again this morning, but never mind, I’m sure I’ll dip back down again.

Lately I’ve been noticing that the big belly out front has turned into more of a pouch, and I am starting to see/feel the beginnings of obliques. Woohoo! I’ll give it another week or so, by which time I think I will have locked in that sub 80kg weight, and will take some more pics and measurements. The belt I bought in July after losing the initial wheat bloat is about ready to have a new hole punched in it. After threatening to bust out of my 36 in jeans, the 32s I got in October are starting to feel loose.

Along with the daily trifecta twists, I have now started to do additional vertical pulls and wall press ups. I do the first set using both arms and then do another set with my right arm, and a set of more reps with my left arm. The idea is to work on balancing out the size differential between my arms, without over-training. I need to be very conscious of the CC philosophy of taking it low and slow in order to maintain the momentum. It is the regular work that is bringing the results, and the rest time that’s allowing the growth.
If tomorrow treats us to some actual summer weather I will ride my motorcycle, since I don’t have any scheduled tasks/appointments for the day (other than a workout of course).

I’ve been skipping the meditation sessions lately, and I need to get back to them.


Rest Day

Trifecta stretches level 2 – 30 sec

Plank  – side 30/30 – front – 60 sec

flat knee raise x 25

Calf raises 25/25/25 level 2 next week add another 5 per set

Wall push ups – both – 20 – R 10 L 15

Vertical pulls – both -20 – R 10 L 15

(trying to even out arm size without over-training – been doing it for a few days without logging seems ok to keep it up so it goes in the log)


Rest day

Trifecta stretches level 2 – 30 sec

Plank  – side 30/30 – front – 60 sec

flat knee raise x 25


Bridges – warm -short bridges 10/10 – work – straight bridges 15/15/15

HSPU – Crow stand – 20 sec- work – crow stand – 30 sec – still some wobble


Rest day

Trifecta stretches level 2 – 30 sec

Plank  – side 30/30 – front – 60 sec

flat knee raise x 20


Pullups – warm vertical 10/10/10 – work Horizontal 12/10/7 – worked on form

Squats – warm – shoulder stand squats 12/12/12 – work – jacknife 30/30/30

Trifecta stretches level 2 – 30 sec

Plank  – side 30/30 – front – 60 sec

flat knee raise x 20


Rest day

Dynamic stretches level 2 – 30 sec
Meditation 10 min

Plank  – side 30/30 – front – 60 sec

flat knee raise x 20

15-01 – Dojo Picnic

Pushups – warm – wall 10/10/10 – work – incline 30/30/30

Leg raise – warm - Knee tucks 10/10/10 – work – Flat knee raise 30/30/30

Dynamic stretches level 2 – 30 sec
Meditation 10 min

Plank 60 sec

flat knee raise x 10


Rest Day

Dynamic stretches level 2 – 30 sec
Meditation 10 min

Plank 60 sec

flat knee raise x 10

Karate & Aikdo – Green Belt Woohoo!


Rest Day – complete rest – rough day at work..


Bridges – warm -0 – work – straight bridges 20/20

HSPU – warm 0 – work – crow stand – 30 sec

Dynamic stretches level 2 – 30 sec
Meditation 10 min

Plank 60 sec

flat knee raise x 10


Rest day

Dynamic stretches level 2 – 30 sec
Meditation 10 min

Plank 60 sec

flat knee raise x 10


Pullups – warm vertical 10/10 – work Horizontal 12/12/12 – last set after the knee raises

Leg raises – warm – flat knee raises 10 – work flat knee raises 20/20/20

Getting a clciking in my hip with the knee raises – maybe I should add a dozen or so to my stretch routine to help with hip mobility?

Dynamic stretches level 2 – 30 sec
Meditation 10 min

Plank 60 sec


Dynamic stretches level 2 – 30 sec
Meditation 10 min

Plank 60 sec



I usually like to do my workouts and stretches in the evenings.  When I’m at work it can be super late in the evening – e.g. 0300!  So Friday I was off work, and it was the first of the two rest days in the good behaviour program.  I am doing the isometric stretches daily, so I was planning to get those in, but the day slid by and before I knew it we were off out for dinner.

At dinner I had a couple of beers, only couple, and then we went home, but I didn’t feel like it was a good time to be doing stretches and meditating.  A little later in the evening, after dinner was settled and I had consumed quite a lot of water, I felt like I could do the stretches.  Then I reconsidered – it would likely be either half assed, or worse the alcohol in my system would mean that I would think I could stretch further than I really could and I would push it and injure myself, potentially stalling my progress for much longer than one day.

So Friday became a day of total rest, and that’s ok.

Saturday was martial arts classes first thing in the morning, and we did a bit of stretching, the kind where you have help from a partner. It isn’t CC style, but I go along with it.  Then during some groundwork, Sensei had me on the ground and was standing up, demonstrating how to get the lock just right. Without the correct lock on, he said “See he could even kick me in the face from there.  Go on, kick me in the face”.

So I slowly arced my foot up and just touched his face.  I’m sure he didn’t really believe that I could kick that high from the floor and got a little surprise, and said so.  I just smiled and said “Must have been those stretches I was doing”

We meditated some during martial arts class, and then later in the day I did my stretches and meditated some more.  I’m still working that 60 second plank into the stretching routine as well.  The last day of rest is also calf day now, so I did 20/20/20 of level 2 calf raises.

Sunday, and the rest days are over, yes 2.5 hours of martial arts is a rest day, lol.  Sunday and we are into the pushups and squats.  Last week I did my first round of level 2 at the beginner standard.  Level 2 is not that difficult and so I had some left in the bank after 2 sets of 10.  Intermediate is 20/20 and progression is 30/30/30. I decided that I would progress it up the same way as the CC2 method for the calf raises, i.e I would go for 20/20/20 and then ramp up the number of reps per set until I hit progression standard.

As with level 1, once I get to the progression standard I will simmer it there for at least a couple of weeks to prove mastery before moving on.

Back on night shift tomorrow, and it’s a rest day.


Time for a review–Convict Conditioning

The beginning of January also marked the end of my first month of using the convict conditioning system.  When I started the Primal Blueprint, I stopped doing the running as I felt I had achieved what I set out to achieve, and I was concerned that long term I was going to get an injury.  I was already feeling it in the knees.

I started with the ‘Lifting Heavy Things’ or LHT progressions as described in the Primal Blueprint.  Taking my cue from the success I had with the C25k, I decided to take the time to do the self assessment that is included in the free fitness ebook, and start where Mark recommended.

So I began, and I did all of the exercises regularly, and I was soon hitting the progression standards for the early progressions.  I found that on the dive bombers in particular that I was struggling with sufficient range of motion in my shoulders, yet I could do the required number of beginner reps of the overhead press, so I went straight to that step.  Soon I was doing most of ‘the essential primal movements’ and looking back on my notes, I wasn’t doing to badly.  2 sets of 35 full push ups with good form etc.  My workouts were taking around 45 min each, and I felt like I wasn’t getting them in anywhere near frequently enough.  It was getting to the point that I was running 2 to 3 weeks between workouts, then over a month! I just wasn’t making progress, and something wasn’t working for me.

I realised this around mid-November 2011, so I started to look around the primal/paleo community a little more for other options.  The big thing seemed to be Olympic Lifts.  We have a fitness room at work, with treadmills, weight machines & some free weights,so I could check that out and do some serious iron pumping.  I started looking at programs: starting strength, stronglifts, etc.  Watching youtube clips of Rippetoe coaching the correct form, pricing up bars & bumpers online.

Then I heard about convict conditioning and got curious.  Curious like I was when I first heard of the Primal Blueprint. This was mostly due to the announcement of the release of convict conditioning 2.  Which many in the community said they were looking forward to.  So I got my hands on CC2.  Pretty much right at the front of the book, it says that if you are looking for workouts, they are n CC1.  I read CC2 in just over a day, and a great deal of it made sense so I got CC1 as well.  That also took little over a day to read the first time.  I just couldn’t put it down.  This was exactly the sort of thing I had been looking for all those years ago when I was stuck in a tiny cabin off base with the navy.  Those cabins actually make a cell look quite luxurious.

push-upsWhen I first saw the illustrations, flipping through the book, I was a little disappointed:  Full pushups was step 5 of the progressions, the progression standard was 2 sets of 20.  I was already knocking out 2 sets of 35, albeit with maximum effort.  I had no doubt thatI could make the intermediate standard of the next progression and do 2x 10 close push ups.

After then reading the book properly, I decided “settle down, ego-boy; start at the beginning.  Remember the C25k and how you thought running for 60 sec at a time was not even worth doing? Remember how day 3 of week 5 kicked your ass?”

So I decided to start at the beginning.  I did make one concession to my ego, by starting with the ‘Good Behaviour’ program, rather than the ‘New Blood’ one.  This has more to do with my work pattern and shifts meaning that a three day break in the middle had the potential to cause me to stall out.  The day on/day off routine fits much better.

So then there I was going from a reasonable effort at full push ups to 1 set of 10 wall pushups.  Never mind.  Like the diet, I have decided that I am in this for the long haul, so at the other end, the time I spent at the very beginning will be like a blink.

The first week went well, and then the second week I made the intermediate standard, and still felt good.  By this time I had also read through both books a few times.  I decided it was time to add in the stretches from CC2.  The book said every day was good, so that’s what I did.

With the exercises I knew that I could make the progression standard, so I decided to do a couple of weeks at progression standard to make sure I wasn’t pushing myself to progress too early.  I really wanted to lay that foundation. That whole “Stay on the level as long as you can, until it no longer works for you” mindset.

In the second week at progression standard I decided to start with the calf and grip work on my rest days, rather than skipping days/workouts, I actually get restless on the rest days (great oxymoron right there).

I’m doing the level 2 stretches, and feel ready to step it up to level 3, except I struggle to get off the ground for the N hold.  With the daily stretches, I’m also adding in a 60 sec plank hold and 10 min of meditation.  So the stretches & plank take me 5 minutes a day, and that includes 2.5 minutes of rest.

My arms feel bigger now than they did when I was busting out full pushups, although I think a lot of that is down to a 30 sec straight bridge hold every day.  I have always been a little lop-sided, but my left arm is not keeping up with my right at all.  I’m not sure what to do about that at the moment, I expect it will even out as the exercises progress.

Looking back, I think I could have had similar success with the blueprint progressions if I had approached them in the right way: only do a couple of exercises each workout and cycle through them, and really work those early progressions.  These lessons are also serving me well with my martial arts practice as well.


Time for a review–Primal Diet

The New Year traditionally brings with it a period of review, as well as the setting of goals and plans to achieve them.  The beginning of January 2012 marks 6 months of primal living for me, and 1 month of convict conditioning.  So what has that done for me?

happy-meals2011 kicked off and I wasn’t really that happy with where I was in terms of my health, weight or energy levels.  I had just got back from an awesome trip to the USA, having put on a lot of weight, and despite having lost a lot of weight since the time I had been there last, I had put most of it back on before we got there.  Hence my in-laws had no reason to believe that I had been anything other than a lard ass for all of the intervening time.

I would lose weight without too much trouble, but then turn around and balloon back up again even more effortlessly.

2011 would be different I told myself.  I played around with the diet plans that had worked for me in the past, and while the tracking was going pretty well, the weight loss wasn’t.  It was just one long plateau after the other, or a maddening yo-yo up and down of the same 1-2 kgs.

My wife had enjoyed a lot of success with weight loss prior to our USA trip, doing mostly workouts and the couch to 5k running program, along with pretty strict calorie counting.

I decided to start the C25k program.  Of course when one looks at the first weeks of that program, one thinks “pah! is that all?  I can run for longer than that!” 

However I had started and failed at many other programs in the past and so decided to stick to the program exactly as written.  I also stuck to the schedule as stringently as I could, given the constraints of my work schedule.

Speaking of work, the crew started  a weight loss challenge.  As the weight loss challenge was finishing in June, I discovered the primal diet after realising that  conventional wisdom wasn’t working for me.

I lost more in the month after the work competition ended, than I did during the entire 3 month challenge!  According to the scale and the rough estimates provided by a caliper, I have lost 9kg and gone from 18 to 11% body fat in the last 6 months.  What is more is that it hardly feels like I am working, or depriving myself.  Making healthier choices doesn’t mean sacrificing great taste or flavours.